Rabu, 24 November 2010

Another Paleo Recipe Resource

Check out this sight I just discovered tonight off of Robb Wolf's blog:
It is helpful because it rates how Paleo compliant the recipe is, as well as how the readers rate the recipe.  I only looked at the ones that received 3 stars for Paleo compliance (the maximum).  Even then you will need to review the ingredients list and check with your Whole 9 list for those of you who are doing your Whole 30.  It is a great resource. However, like any of the sites out there, you must be familiar with the Paleo list of foods and study up on Whole 9, Robb Wolf and Dr. Cordain.  Remember, just because it says Paleo, does not mean it is strict Paleo.  It seems everyone has a different idea of what Paleo is, so be careful.  That said check it out for some great new recipes. 

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