Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

It's been a few days since I last posted on here, sorry for the lag.  I have been extremely busy lately, making it harder to try new recipes and get them on here.  I actually have a recipe for Lara Bars that I started posting but haven't finished yet.  Right now I have my parents visiting from Alaska, so I  am not on here much, it's taking the back burner for the time being.  So grateful to have this time with them, it has been 1 1/2 years since the youngest 5 have seen their grandparents so this is a very special time for us.  Dan, Steven and I saw them in November under very stressful circumstances, the death of my Uncle, so that really doesn't count.  Today was a beautiful day so we went and hiked around Sequoia Park, lot's of fun and got some great pictures.  And I get to have my own mom here for Mothers day, I can't remember the last time we spent a mothers day together!  This really makes me happy!  What plans do you have for your Mothers day? 

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