Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Fried Apples and Crepes

This morning, I was up a little earlier than usual, and thought it would be fun to make something different for breakfast.  This one is more time consuming than usual so I don't make it to often, but it is a fun treat.   And Mmmmm, so yummy.  I use  a version of

Paleo Crepes

1/4 cup full fat canned coconut milk
1/4 cup coconut flour
8 egg whites
2 whole eggs

Beat the egg whites and eggs with a wire whisk until a little frothy.  Then add in the remaining ingredients and beat really, really well, it will have a few lumps, but do your best to beat them out.  I have a wire whisk attachment on my hand mixer that works great for this.  Once they are made we never notice any of the little lumps, I guess they are so small they don't really matter.  
Heat a small skillet over medium heat with a little bit of Coconut oil in the pan so they don't stick, pour in a small amount of batter  (about 2 TBSP) and swirl it around in the pan to coat the bottom of the pan thinly.  Cook for a few minutes, watching closely, when the edges start to get a done flip it over and cook the other side.  It usually takes less time on the second side.  Fill with your filling of choice either savory or sweet, fold and eat. This will make about 16 nice thin, delicate crepes.  

*If you are lacto-Paleo or Primal then try spreading a crepe with a thin layer of full fat plain Greek yogurt, fold and top with some blueberries
(cook some frozen berries in the microwave for a few minutes to make it more liquid).  Delicious!

Modified Fried Apples Filling For Crepes

4 Organic Fuji apples sliced very thinly (about 7-8 cups)
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup raisins
1 cup of full fat canned coconut milk
1 TBSP saigon cinnamon

Slice your apples thinly and set aside.  When all your apples are sliced, place the coconut oil in a large skillet and melt.  When your oil is all melted add the apple slices and sauté over med-high heat or high heat until softened.  Then lower heat to medium. Add in the coconut milk, raisins and cinnamon and simmer stirring occasionally until it thickens up nicely and makes a sauce, usually just a couple of minutes. And then they are ready to serve.  

*I usually do the apples first and just keep them on low while I make the crepes.

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