Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Paleo Christmas Party

Don't forget our Paleo Potluck Christmas Party tomorrow night at the box.  

There will be no 6:00 p.m.  WOD on Friday, December 17.  Instead, CrossFit Eureka will be celebrating Christmas with a Paleo potluck!  Bring the kind of goodies that a caveman would dig and come on down for the festivities!

 Friday, December 17th at 6:30 p.m. 

Please bring your favorite Paleo dish to share and a copy of your recipe. 
 Please keep in mind that we have several folks in the midst of a Whole 30 ( strict Paleo) so lets stick to that as a guideline please. If you need help or suggestions please don't hesitate to ask Meredith and Sheilla, or visit the Paleo Made Easy blog. Mains, sides or appetizers, whatever you like! 

We are also asking that everyone bring a donation for the Eureka Firefighters Toy Drive if you can. Be creative, lets rock it CrossFit style! Hope to see you there!

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