Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

poached eggs and sweet potato

I guess the picture wont do this dish justice this morning but it deserves to be shared! This has become our favorite morning or post workout meal!

Put 2 inches of water in a skillet to boil, then turn down to medium heat and add:

3 whole Alexander Kids Farms eggs ( pastured eggs from Crescent City, VERY yummy but a tad expensive so we buy them only occasionally as a treat)

1/3 to 1/2 cup sweet potato ( we pre bake a ton of these for the week)

2 and 1/2 Tbspn full fat coconut milk, cinnamon to taste

In a dish mash your sweet potato, lay the poached eggs on top ( be sure not to overcook the yolk, you want them a bit runny) and cover with coc milk and cinnamon.

I eat this portion of my breakfast while I am waiting for my veggies to cook.

Most of the time I make a double batch so i have post workout ready for later or so Alicia has a quick pick me up on the go. Enjoy! let me know how you like it!

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