Sabtu, 02 April 2011's been a busy week!

Attended the Funeral of an old friend today...and  the Celebration of Our NEW LOCATION for our CrossFit Box!  Been a hectic couple of days preparing for making sure all the kids had the appropriate clothing.  Making final preparations at the box including a good cleaning!  So, although I have some recipes to post I haven't gotten to it.  Sorry.  This month is shaping up to be a bit hectic, this week is another crazy busy week with multiple events and my husband and I are leaving in 1 1/2 weeks for sunny Arizona to spend a week together on a much needed break.  And to get my Level 1 Cert!  I am starting to get a bit nervous about the test part of it!  Gotta get through the reading...thankfully Dan will be taking the test too, so we can study together!  He took his level 1 several years ago, before they had the test so is required to take it now.  Wish us luck!

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