Selasa, 05 April 2011


Starting to feel a bit stressed about my upcoming CrossFit Cert!  Just started reading the material and think I should have picked it up a long time ago!  I have a crazy busy schedule right now, but somehow I am going to have to find the time to pick it up and read it.  Not just that but a quiet time when I can comprehend what I am reading.  Living in a busy household of 9 that can be a challenge in and of itself!  Praying I am able to do well on this, would hate to waste the time, money and suffer the disappointment.  Thankfully my husband has to take the written test too, so hopefully he can find time to help me study.  All that to say, I won't have much time on here for a while until I am done with all that.  At least until after the 21st of April, so please be patient with me. Meredith will be really busy too, taking up the slack in the business we will create by being gone, so she may not have time to post either. 
I did do grocery shopping today, we have to eat after all right?!  It is an all day process for me, starting at about 10:30 and ending around 2:30 today.  Then it takes about 20 minutes to unload it all, with help from my little ones of course.  Then comes finding places for it all and putting it away, that takes 1-2 hours generally (interrupted of course, because all the kids are home from school by then and needing attention).  So...I am hoping that if my schedule works out....tomorrow I may be able to post my Weekly Bargains post for you all.  I didn't have time to shop around at the Natural Foods nor Co-Op today so won't really be able to pass on any savings tips on them this week.  If any of you know of any great bargains they are offering this week please post them for others.  Thank you for your patience.

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